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lördag 5 september 2015

Review: Tre Ponti Harness

My dogs don't do awful things everyday so I though I could fill this blog with reviews about our favourite things too. 

Tre Ponti Harness

I first found the Tre Ponti harness in fleece to my hairless mix in a local pet store and I thought it was so soft that I couldn't help but buying it, we have used it for about 1,5 years now and it fits him quite well though he's really hard to find a harness that fits him and he don't get sore by it's soft fleece and it's still in great condition even though he try to pull the leash pretty much when he runs beside the bicycle

When I got second dog as a 8 weeks old puppy this summer I knew I wanted to use a harness on him too, mostly cause I think it's better for the dog, their chest are not as sensitive as their neck.

Though puppies gets bigger, pretty fast, even tiny little Russkiy Toy puppies grows and most harness with adjustable size has those small plastic buckles which I don't like cause I got pretty weak fingers and Aros is not that helpful when it comes to getting dressed in collars, harness and clothes so it has to be fast and smooth.

So no buckles and adjustable size makes it hard to find a harness, specially for small dogs, so I bought another Tre Ponti and I haven't regret it yet, it was a bit too big for him when he first got it but I wouldn't be surprised if he can use it as an adult too and I'm pretty sure it will last for years.

I love how easy it is to put on and take off and fits almost every dog and they got lots of diffrent colours and materials so you can choose your favourite, I will probably buy more in other colours from their own website cause you can't find them all here in my local pet stores.

onsdag 12 augusti 2015

CPR or Trampoline?

It's not always that cozy having your dogs in bed.
Sure they look sweet when they sleeps and they wants to just cuddle up next to you but sometimes they wakes up way to early and wants to play.

We had that moment this morning, I was sleeping like a puppy after a Apomorfin injection (yep we have tried that one) 5:30 in the morning, way to early to even think about waking up when suddenly my chest was used as a trampoline by one of the dogs.

Hopefully he was trying to learn CPR.

Poop on a string

Tonight my youngest dog, a 14 weeks old puppy wanted to lay in my bed with me and my other dog.
He's too tiny to manage to get up by himself so I lifted him. 

After minutes of walking around in bed and trying to play with me and his big brother I saw a piece of poop stuck on a hair which was still stuck in his butt.

So I put the pup back on the floor and went to get some toilette paper and when I came back with the paper I had to hunt him around my bedroom, still with poop-hair hanging out until I tricked him with a toy pig and could get it off.